I submitted my article about Ryan Sinclair, the dyspraxic companion in Doctor Who, to Whotopia magazine. This fanzine was run by fans and didn't pay for articles, but had high submission standards. The article was accepted and included in Issue 35; unfortunately due to personal reasons the magazine also ceased publication after this. The website for download seems to be down already, so I have no link and no way to see my published article. Taking this in my stride, I plan to submit articles to similar magazines and websites. |
I had been holding off and trying to keep my gender and interest in LGBTQ issues and especially trans issues away from my professional presence. It took being advised by multiple people that I should focus my writing on something I know about that's not well known and being advised by one of those people that that thing was probably trans issues for me for decide.
I have already submitted an article to an online magazine/article site called Offbeat Bride - keep an eye out for it, it was accepted immediately! - and written an article for my WordPress, both on non binary issues. It seems like a good career choice after all; while I'm almost certainly shutting some doors, I'm opening a fair few others. It struck me as a good time to be open as non binary myself, too, change the wording and pronouns on this site, and add an explanation page. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. After all, an FAQ is an article. ![]() After a very disappoint and even upsetting night out at Bar Soho, I wrote an article reviewing the bar. Annoyed at our treatment, I wanted to get my article out to as wide and targetted an audience as possible, so I joined trip advisor and posted it there. When I had a fantastic night out at Dalston Superstore the following week, I thought it only right to use my new review platform and post a review of that. Having two Trip Advisor reviews up, I decided to make a Media page on this website, to showcase these, previous and hopefully future times my writing has been published elsewhere. Doing both of these has motivated me to write more reviews, so keep an eye on my Trip Advisor profile, or the media page! I recently made a CV page, and through my current IT course I discovered simple free websites to create infographic and video CVs.
The CV page has my journalistic, volunteering and other work, my education and my skills. It's part of this website, too, meaning I was limited in design freedom but able to include more information. The infographic CV, created on vizualize.me, took the information from my LinkedIn profile, which I edited and added to. I had a lot of design freedom within the templates offered, but can only add certain information. The video CV, created on PowToon, runs through my experience, education, skills and contact details in an animated presentation. This one had the most freedom, and I enjoyed using the animated characters, but the powerpoint style meant the CV is a summary. As is clear from the change of site title and URL (and the change of name on wordpress and linkedin), I'm changing the name I write under to Aeron Gray.
I'm happy to answer polite questions about this, and I apologise about any now-broken links or confusion, especially with my articles in Parable magazine. Thank you for being understanding. I've also created a facebook page and included the link for my new, film review based, article site called Aeron Reviews Films. ![]() Feeling that this site wasn't looking as nice as it could and knowing that Weebly, the online site-builder and web-hoster that I use, has some new themes and design options, I decided it was a good time to give my portfolio a whole new look. As well as changing the theme and changing the signature colour from blue to green, I cut down my portfolio page into one neat Writing page - now that Parable magazine isn't something that I'm doing any more, I decided it didn't need to be on a separate page from my other articles. ![]() Lacking any way to get my writing "out there" beside Parable magazine and sending unpublished articles to magazines, I remembered the advice of various accomplished journalists: Make a website and post your own articles, because it shows that you're always writing, what your writing is like, and gives people the chance to discover you. First thing first, I decided what kind of online presence I wanted to post my articles on. A themed website or personal ezine, or a column type blog? I chose column, as it gives me more topic options, and turned to Wordpress. I chose Wordpress as it is a blog platform I don't use for any other blog, and that eliminates any personal or anonymous blog posts being accidently shared there, or vice versa. It also has easy to use themes, and is well known. My only problem was what to write. I didn't want to open with anything too politically charged, and set the precedent for strong bias. Once I found a relatively neutral topic, the vast amount of apps that exist, I wrote and posted it immediately, and made sure to include RSS feeds and links on Weebly. With that article posted, the ideas just poured out, but I decided to post weekly for now. As of today, there are two articles posted, both of which received feedback within minutes. Once this blog is more established, I can look into my other online article option, which is to start my own website or ezine. |
This is what I'm up to.
May 2023