Before I even started this issue, I knew it would be worked around the main article, a three-page long contribution entitled 'The Suspended Coffee Story'. This article was given to me for the previous issue, but due to it's length was impossible to fit in.
Luckily, I was not sent any other articles, and the amount of news and dates were at a usual level, so as I began creating the issue, I was pleased that I had not been sent any other contributions.
Just as I began to realise that I had a number of sides that weren't divisible by four, which would leave blank pages in the printed issue, I was sent two poems. The poems, by a brother and sister, had been read out in the recent youth-led service, and happily brought the page total to a multiple of four.
Carrying on in this easy to create issue, I had known what type of image would be perfect to accompany the cover article's title, and an appropriate and clear image was soon found. For the first time in a while, I also found the cover image on Morgue File, meaning no searching for copyright information or name for the image credit.
Luckily, I was not sent any other articles, and the amount of news and dates were at a usual level, so as I began creating the issue, I was pleased that I had not been sent any other contributions.
Just as I began to realise that I had a number of sides that weren't divisible by four, which would leave blank pages in the printed issue, I was sent two poems. The poems, by a brother and sister, had been read out in the recent youth-led service, and happily brought the page total to a multiple of four.
Carrying on in this easy to create issue, I had known what type of image would be perfect to accompany the cover article's title, and an appropriate and clear image was soon found. For the first time in a while, I also found the cover image on Morgue File, meaning no searching for copyright information or name for the image credit.